Time is money: A statistically alarming amount of green infrastructure project relating to stormwater are either value engineered out of a project and/or are problematic after installation. This is generally due to lose specifications and poorly vetted contractors. This encompasses plaza decks, vegetated roofs, porous/permeable pavers, bioinfiltration and stormwater collection and reuse systems. Wasted time = A lower return on investment for everyone involved. The reason for this is that these projects lack a green infrastructure industry expert that will guide your team to make the best economic decisions to meet your stormwater management needs. Hanging Gardens is that expert with over 50+ years of combined experience that ensures that sustainable systems with the greatest return on your investment dollars are always effectively designed and installed on your projects. We guarantee this.
Design Integration
The use of green infrastructure; such as plaza decks, vegetated roofs, porous/permeable pavers, bioinfiltration and stormwater collection and reuse systems, for stormwater management is a component of the built environment that encompasses numerous design acumens and skilled trades. With that said, the integration of the components necessary to attain the highest value systems is a challenging proposition to ensure all that the designs remain streamlined and the installations are both effective and efficient. Hanging Gardens design integration division does not provide architectural design or engineering services. We support these services and design professionals by ensuring that the most effective components to achieve your project needs are utilized and all of the pieces are integrated properly. With over 400+ components available from Hanging Gardens repertoire of offerings, we assure that when your projects are released for bidding that you will be provided with details and specifications that will be clear, concise and result in consistent pricing that will add value to your projects.
Grant Writing
Is your development of design firm looking to integrate cutting edge stormwater technologies in an urban environment, but lack the necessary funds to make your project a reality? Regardless if you are in large metropolitan areas such as Chicago or New York or middle market MSA’s like Milwaukee, New Orleans and Seattle, national funding opportunities to utilize vegetative roofing, rooftop urban agriculture, brownfield remediation, stormwater harvesting/reuse systems, etc. to reach a higher standard of onsite stormwater management through performance green infrastructure are available. Hanging Gardens retains skilled grant writers on staff to be “bridge-builders” turning your dreams into a reality through incentive programs throughout the nation. There are millions of dollars available across the country to help further proliferate green infrastructure. Our mission is to help you utilize these opportunities. Hanging Gardens has the rapport that has allowed us to receive grant funding priority from grant advisors across the nation that will ensure you a high success ratio for approval of your grant application.
Bioswale Remediation
Green Glass™ “Powered by BioMix-Osorb®” enhances the effectiveness of bioswales, right-of-way bioswales (ROW-Bies), bioretention ponds, filter strips, green roofs, and many other green infrastructure and LID systems by remediating common runoff contaminants from stormwater. Green Glass™ “Powered by BioMix-Osorb®” will protect soil biology from harmful contaminants, enhance any standard bioswale’s ability to process nutrients, and increase plant growth and swale robustness. Unenhanced bioretention systems are natural buffers that capture stormwater above ground using specialized soils and plants, preventing contaminated water from reaching sewers and local waterways. Green Glass™ enhanced stormwater solutions go a leap further, by using absorptive and reductive soils to capture and breakdown common stormwater contaminants. As a result, Green Glass™ stormwater solutions not only capture stormwater and reduce peak volume, but also remediate a significant amount of many persistent contaminants and send a cleaner effluent back into the environment. Green Glass™ “Powered by BioMix-Osorb®” provides a new age solution for high performance green infrastructure, higher water quality standards, and a cleaner environment.
Brownfield Remediation
Green Glass™ “Powered by BioMix-Osorb®” enhances the effectiveness of bioswales, right-of-way bioswales (ROW-Bies), bioretention ponds, filter strips, green roofs, and many other green infrastructure and LID systems by remediating common runoff contaminants from stormwater. Green Glass™ “Powered by BioMix-Osorb®” enhancements will protect soil biology from harmful contaminants, enhancing any standard bioswale’s ability to process nutrients, and increasing plant growth and swale robustness. Unenhanced bioretention systems are natural buffers that capture stormwater above ground using specialized soils and plants, preventing contaminated water from reaching sewers and local waterways. Green Glass™ enhanced stormwater solutions go a step further by using absorptive and reductive soils to capture and breakdown common stormwater contaminants. As a result, Green Glass™ stormwater solutions not only capture stormwater and reduce peak volume, but also remediate a significant amount of many persistent contaminants and send a cleaner effluent back into the environment. Green Glass™ “Powered by BioMix-Osorb®” provides a new age solution for high performance green infrastructure, higher water quality standards, and a cleaner environment.
GreenGlass™ “Powered by Osorb®” is a family of specialized silica-based medias used to extract organic contaminants from water. It is produced in over 30 varieties to meet your site’s specific needs. Common varieties include Standard for general water treatment, BioMix for bioswales, and IronMax for brownfield remediation through in situ injection. The raw product is dry, granular, odorless, hydrophobic and non-flammable with variable grain size depending on application. It can be packaged in sealed poly open-head drums, “super sacks”, or other specialty packaging based on site needs. When contaminants in water and soils come into contact with GreenGlass™ it captures them through hydraulic conductivity. The dirtier the site, the better it is able to perform. As the product absorbs, it swells, trapping pollutants indefinitely with zero incidence of leaching. Green Glass™ “Powered by Osorb®” was engineered with the support of the National Science Foundation. Regardless of site context, it offers an innovative and enduring solution for remediating contaminated brownfields, bioswales, stormwater runoff, creating pre-treatment zones adjacent to stormwater sewers or waterways, and other specialty water treatment challenges.