Anthony Mayer
Anthony is the CEO and Co-Founder of Hanging Gardens, LLC. Since receiving degrees from both the Business Administration and Architecture schools at UW-Milwaukee, Anthony spent seven years developing numerous construction companies’ green infrastructure programs. Additionally, through relatives in Swabia, Germany, the birthplace of stormwater consciousness, he connected with German experts in these technologies. It is through this experience that he honed his knowledge and skills in the stormwater management space. With the prowess gained and passion for urban revitalization, Anthony and Co-founder Daniel launched Hanging Gardens in 2009 Together, Hanging Gardens have spear-headed research and development of the most comprehensive, value-based product and service line for green infrastructure and stormwater management, in the world.
CredentialsGRP, LEED AP
PositionChief Executive Officer
“Mein Weg des Lebens ist durch den Glauben. Ich war nachdenklich, aber offen für alle Möglichkeiten im Leben. Zu wissen, dass Sie nicht immer alles unter Kontrolle ist gesund. Meine Träume waren nicht geplant, aber sie realisiert sind.“